Tzedakah is a cornerstone of the Jewish tradition. The donations and tributes you make are important aspects of funding Synagogue programs. Tributes may be made to honor weddings, B'nai mitzvahs, births, and other happy occasions, as well as to offer get well wishes to those who are ill and to commemorate yahrzeits.

Tribute Funds
Sometimes a small gesture goes very far to making someone’s day, week or year! Temple Shalom is proud to provide both congregants and visitors alike with a way in which to honor someone or their memory by giving a tribute to the Temple on their behalf. We have several funds including social justice, youth and caring for temple family. There is also a General fund offering which will allow the temple to choose the area of greatest need.
Remember that tributes & donations can be made to honor a simcha (B’nai Mitzvah, wedding, graduation, birthday, anniversary, etc.) or in honor of a loved one’s memory. To create a Tribute Click Here.

Yahrzeit Donation
It is traditional to light a Yahrzeit candle on the evening of observance. In addition, we urge you to attend services throughout the week to honor the memory of your beloved and of course to recite Mourner’s Kaddish on the Yahrzeit itself. May your memories of the departed always be a blessing.
To commemorate your beloved, it is customary to memorialize the departed by making a donation to the synagogue. To make a donation, please Click Here

Yahrzeit Plaque
A way to remember a loved one is to dedicate a memorial plaque in his or her memory. Our yahrzeit boards are located along the rear wall of the Sanctuary. Your loved one's plaque will be lit, and the name will perpetually read the name of the deceased during Shabbat services on the Friday evening of the anniversary of death. Family members will receive notification of this date in advance of the yahrzeit. Yahrzeit plaques are available for purchase to members only. Email