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Join Us!


We are so happy to welcome you to our Temple Shalom family. We are a warm, vibrant community, with many opportunities for you to engage in and enhance your Jewish life and spiritual journey.  Join us for our worship services and our many educational and social events, and you will experience the spiritual and intellectual richness of our community.


Temple Shalom is a Reform congregation in western Morris County servicing 30+ communities in the area. Led by Rabbi Inna Serebro-Litvak, we seek to engage our membership in all of our communal synagogue activities while also meeting your individual needs.


In seeking to continually enhance the spiritual life of our members, we provide our community with a variety of meaningful worship services.   Our outstanding Religious School and Life Long Learning Programs engage both children and adults in meaningful and inspiring Jewish education.  Renaissance, L’Chaim Club, BrotherhoodSisterhood, Junior Youth Groups and Senior Youth Group are just a few of the affiliates which bring the Temple Shalom family together. And our Social Justice efforts make sure we stay involved in such important issues as Israel, “greening” our communities, feeding the hungry and housing the homeless.


Let us welcome you to Temple Shalom!  Click above for a membership application or email


We look forward to hearing from you!

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